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QRZ Ham Radio Callsign Database - Volume 5.iso
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Date: Sat, 7 May 94 04:30:18 PDT
From: Ham-Ant Mailing List and Newsgroup <ham-ant@ucsd.edu>
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Subject: Ham-Ant Digest V94 #134
To: Ham-Ant
Ham-Ant Digest Sat, 7 May 94 Volume 94 : Issue 134
Today's Topics:
2m Amplifier mounted at antenna?
Antenna on Saturn
COMMENTS on the ASA 2m antenna
Help w/ 'RF Design' Mag. Article 1/88 back issue
Homebrew antenna questions (2 msgs)
Loading the boom on a monobander.
Looking for tower info (2 msgs)
MFJ-1798...Another Vapor Product?
WANTED 10-30 MHz Directional Antenna
Send Replies or notes for publication to: <Ham-Ant@UCSD.Edu>
Send subscription requests to: <Ham-Ant-REQUEST@UCSD.Edu>
Problems you can't solve otherwise to brian@ucsd.edu.
Archives of past issues of the Ham-Ant Digest are available
(by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives/ham-ant".
We trust that readers are intelligent enough to realize that all text
herein consists of personal comments and does not represent the official
policies or positions of any party. Your mileage may vary. So there.
Date: 6 May 94 16:08:20 GMT
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!wupost!gumby!newsxfer.itd.umich.edu!news1.oakland.edu!rcsuna.gmr.com!rcsuna.gmr.com!vbreault@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Subject: 2m Amplifier mounted at antenna?
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
In article <42234.wosborne@nmsu.edu> "William P. Osborne" <wosborne@nmsu.edu> writes:
Val Breault <vbreault@rinhp750.gmr.com> wrote:
>Use a power supply that has remote sensing capability. You run the power
>and sense lines up to the load. The power supply will adjust it's output
>to achieve 12V at the load point.
Intresting idea but one must be very careful of loop bandwidth problems in
the power supply when the modulation is cw or ssb as it is in satellite
<stuff deleted... you've seen the original>
Bill and I traded E-mail and came up with what sounds like a good
way to get regulated 13 Volts up to the top of a tower without
resorting to placing the power supply there. How about running
oh, say, 18 Volts up to a pass regulator mounted near the amplifier.
The regulator need not be very large or heavy so it will not have a
large effect on the tower loading. If we presume the amp draws 2A
idle and 20A at full load, and assuming the voltage drop in the power
line is 3 volts under full load then the regulator needs only to be
able to dissapate 40 Watts.
(18V_source - 3V_drop - 13V_load) * 20A = 40W dissapation full load
(18V_source - nearly_zero - 13V_load) * 2A = 10W dissapation when idle
Anyone care to take another crack at it?
Val Breault - N8OEF - vbreault@gmr.com \ /|
Instrumentation dept GM NAO R&D Center \ / |
My opinions are not necessarily those of \ /__|
GMR nor of the General Motors Corporation \/ |___
Date: 7 May 94 00:55:43 GMT
From: agate!msuinfo!netnews.upenn.edu!news.drexel.edu!news.ge.com!knight.vf.ge.com!cnn.motown.ge.com!wintermute.motown.ge.com!user@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Subject: Antenna on Saturn
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
In article <2dc5c170@f747.n115.z1.fidonet.org>,
Fred.Spinner@f747.n115.z1.fidonet.org (Fred Spinner) wrote:
> How great can a car be if its made out of such flimsy material?
Pretty darn great ('94 Saturn SL2). :-) The body panels and roof are
flexable, and will absorb impacts that will dent normal cars, and bounce
back, sometimes without even a scratch on the paint.
What I did was run a magmount to the trunk lid (which is metal).
Bob (N2KGO)
Bob Snyder rsnyder@motown.ge.com
When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
Date: 6 May 94 13:08:49 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!library.ucla.edu!psgrain!charnel.ecst.csuchico.edu!olivea!news.bu.edu!taco.cc.ncsu.edu!raz!sagris@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: COMMENTS on the ASA 2m antenna
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
dgordon@sadira.gb.nrao.edu (David Gordon) writes:
>What were the comments (pro/cons) on the ASA 2m base
>antenna? Could you re-post them and or email them to
>me? Thanks...
Ive asked locally about this antenna as well, so far ive heard
nothing bad but i havent gotten many comments.
Please post any comments from people who have one as
im thinking of getting one as well. Thanks,
Bell Northern Research Inc. (std. disclaimer applies)
Internet: sagris@raz.csc.ncsu.edu ( or sagris@bnr.ca (
Date: 06 May 1994 03:34:55 GMT
From: yale.edu!noc.near.net!chaos.dac.neu.edu!chaos.dac!dean@yale.arpa
Subject: Help w/ 'RF Design' Mag. Article 1/88 back issue
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
I'm posting this for a friend.
from Thomas:
Does anyone read RF Design? I'm looking for an article entitled 'Simple
Spectrum Analyzer, A Pocket Sized 0-100 Mhz Unit Uses Only Three IC's'
by A. Halfrick. I believe it's in the Jan. 88 issue. If so, could I please
have a copy or an adress to retrieve that issue? Thanks in advance.
Date: Fri, 6 May 1994 13:12:10 GMT
From: wri!pea@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Homebrew antenna questions
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
Cecil - This weekend I'm unclamping the homebrew helical and
hoisting up an inverted v dipole - 200' fed with ladder line
into my mfj dif-t tuner.
I believe life will be much simpler with this arrangement!
Thanks for the note...
73 de Bruce, N9WKE
Date: Fri, 6 May 1994 13:06:42 GMT
From: wri!pea@uunet.uu.net
Subject: Homebrew antenna questions
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
>Hi Bruce, I ran some simulations on your antenna on ELNEC last night
>and found the following:
>It would be extremely interesting to measure the feedpoint impedence
>on all the bands. Question is, is your antenna so inductive that it
>is resonant at only one frequency... like a big coil?
>73, KG7BK, CecilMoore@Delphi.com
Cecil - I was hoping you would do what you did! I have spoken to a
couple of other folks about this antenna and it seems as though it
will only be resonant on 80m :-(
73 de Bruce, N9WKE
Date: 6 May 1994 15:17:46 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!fc.hp.com!news.lvld.hp.com!bills@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Loading the boom on a monobander.
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
In article <Pine.3.89.9405052316.A27835-0100000@ume>, Rick Zabrodski (zabrodsk@med.ucalgary.CA) wrote:
> [...] I read in the NCJ several years ago a
> reference to loading the boom of a 20 meter yagi for 40 meters. In theory
> it should work on several bands as a rotatable dipole. Does anyone have
> any experience with this? Does one isolate the boom from tower? Could the
> boom be fed with ladder line?
You may be referring to an article in the mid 70s in QST when a guy put a
loaded 40M dipole under the boom of a TH6DX. He actually built a seperate
dipole and slung it from under the TH6's boom. Yes, I believe it was
insulated from the TH6 boom. Check back issues of QST (December issues have
yearly indexes). Seems like it was before they went to the larger format, so
that would make it the early 70s.
Bill Standerfer * Hewlett-Packard Company
CFI-A, IA, ME * VXI Systems Division
bills@lvld.hp.com * Loveland, CO 80539
Baron N222AB - KF0DJ - Pikes Peak 253 * 303-679-2378
Date: 6 May 94 20:17:47 GMT
From: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!darwin.sura.net!coil!emerald.nist.gov!proctor@ucbvax.berkeley.edu
Subject: Looking for tower info
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
In article <2qdu4n$itk@agate.berkeley.edu> ron@etch-eshop.Berkeley.EDU (Ronald Viegelahn) writes:
-> I have stumbled upon a Higain tower, 45 ft 2 piece crank up.
-> Does anyone happen to have an idea as to how big the block of
-> cement needed to hold this down would be ?
-> How much does something like this weight ?
-> Basicaly I'm wondering what would I be getting into, putting
-> something like this up.
-> 73
-> Ron Viegelahn KE6GLZ
-> ron@etcheshop.Berkeley.EDU
You might start with HyGain. If you are going to get a building permit
(which you "need" to do in most, if not all, areas) then you will need
the Engineering drawings, specifications, etc, to get the permit.
73 - Jim, KE3HO
James E. Proctor | proctor@onyx.nist.gov | National Inst. of Stand. & Tech.
My opinions are my own. I have the receipt to prove it.
"Waiter, this food has snails in it!" - Lucy Ricardo in French Resturant
"I feel like roadkill on the Information Superhighway!" - Doug Marlette
Date: 6 May 1994 17:18:15 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!agate!etch-eshop.Berkeley.EDU!ron@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: Looking for tower info
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
I have stumbled upon a Higain tower, 45 ft 2 piece crank up.
Does anyone happen to have an idea as to how big the block of
cement needed to hold this down would be ?
How much does something like this weight ?
Basicaly I'm wondering what would I be getting into, putting
something like this up.
Ron Viegelahn KE6GLZ
Date: 5 May 1994 18:10:22 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!math.ohio-state.edu!news.acns.nwu.edu!ftpbox!mothost!delphinium.cig.mot.com!rtsg.mot.com!reichrt@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: MFJ-1798...Another Vapor Product?
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
Anyone out there know if this "fabulous" 80 thru 2 Meter Vertical
is for real? MFJ keeps stalling on the start of delivery dates but
keeps advertising it! Can't get any info out of them other than it
hasn't shipped yet and don't know when. MFJ was sure in a hurry to
take orders back in February but I'm starting to wonder if this wasn't
up front development money?
Any comments?
That R7 sure starting to look better and better!
| KD9JQ ex KA7IXS,WA8NBD 708-632-6669 Work | \|/
| Charles H. Reichert 708-358-3827 HOME | ^ ^
| 955 Concord Ln. | ( O O )
| Hoffman Ests., IL. 60195 reichrt@rtsg.mot.com | ___.ooO__U__Ooo.___
==================================================== Hmmmm...Could Be!
Date: 6 May 1994 18:19:37 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!nic-nac.CSU.net!charnel.ecst.csuchico.edu!olivea!koriel!lll-winken.llnl.gov!taurus.cs.nps.navy.mil!nps.navy.mil!usenet@network.ucsd.edu
Subject: WANTED 10-30 MHz Directional Antenna
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
I need to find a directional antenna that will cover at least
10-30 Mhz or even 8-30 if possible. This is a rather urgent need.
Any recommendations are welcome. If you are a in a position where
you could send a quote please e-mail it to me. I need this info
NLT 4pm on 10 May 1994.
Thank You,
Carl Forsythe
Date: Thu, 5 May 1994 17:46:59 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!swrinde!cs.utexas.edu!convex!news.duke.edu!godot.cc.duq.edu!newsfeed.pitt.edu!gvls1!rossi@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
References <2pjnao$7fe@xap.xyplex.com>, <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com>, <2qb81m$2kk@news.nd.edu>du
Subject : Re: Through-the-window on a Saturn
In article <2qb81m$2kk@news.nd.edu> rnimtz@sleepy.helios.nd.edu (richard nimtz) writes:
>In article <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com> dbraun@iil.intel.com writes:
>>In article <2pjnao$7fe@xap.xyplex.com>, sas@opus.xyplex.com (Scott Sminkey - Sustaining Eng Group) writes:
>>|> Where do people get the idea that a properly done drilled mount causes any
>>|> devaluation in the price of a car?
>>|> I'll ask my usual question: can anyone cite even one single case where a
>>|> properly done drilled mount resulted in devaluation?
1. Remove the ham antenna.
2. Install a cellular phone antenna.
3. Charge $100 more for "cellular ready" car. :-)
Pete Rossi - WA3NNA rossi@vfl.paramax.COM
Unisys Corporation - Government Systems Group
Valley Forge Engineering Center - Paoli, Pennsylvania
Date: 5 May 1994 14:06:03 -0400
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!sdd.hp.com!col.hp.com!srgenprp!news.dtc.hp.com!hpscit.sc.hp.com!hpuerci.atl.hp.com!hpuerca!edh@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
References <CoMoL6.2F6y@austin.ibm.com>, <2pjnao$7fe@xap.xyplex.com>, <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com>o
Subject : Re: Through-the-window on a Saturn
In <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com> dbraun@ilx049.iil.intel.com (Doug Braun) writes:
>|> I'll ask my usual question: can anyone cite even one single case where a
>|> properly done drilled mount resulted in devaluation?
>Yes, but can anyone cite even one single case where they have
>actually SOLD a car with a antenna hole in it? That's the more
>relevant question.
Sure. And believe it or not, the antenna hole was not an issue
(like a lot of hams, I'd managed to do enough other damage that
an antenna hole/mount never came into consideration).
A good friend (i.e. I know personnally and witnessed the events) did
a tradein with a piece of duct tape where the antenna used to be. He
was a little conserned about it and ASKED the dealer about it. Said
dealer said it had not affected his judgement and that they would
repair hole or just plug depending on resell considerations.
I've known of other hams who routinely pull out their mounts before
selling or trading their car.
What's the point? A ham will decide to drill a hole for reasons that
merit consideration by other hams: solid mount, ground plane connection,
coax route (NOT thru door/window!), flexability (can leave mount intact
and switch out antennas easily), etc. Others will decide NOT to drill
for other reasons (most of which I can't defend, but that's okay too).
Financial considerations hardly matter in the overall question of "do
I or don't I drill"!
Cheers & 73 Ed H. N5RCK
Date: 5 May 1994 16:48:54 GMT
From: ihnp4.ucsd.edu!usc!howland.reston.ans.net!vixen.cso.uiuc.edu!cs.uiuc.edu!news1.oakland.edu!news.nd.edu!sleepy!rnimtz@network.ucsd.edu
To: ham-ant@ucsd.edu
References <CoMoL6.2F6y@austin.ibm.com>, <2pjnao$7fe@xap.xyplex.com>, <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com>s
Subject : Re: Through-the-window on a Saturn
In article <2qadb9INN1ful@ilx018.iil.intel.com> dbraun@iil.intel.com writes:
>In article <2pjnao$7fe@xap.xyplex.com>, sas@opus.xyplex.com (Scott Sminkey - Sustaining Eng Group) writes:
>|> Where do people get the idea that a properly done drilled mount causes any
>|> devaluation in the price of a car?
>|> I'll ask my usual question: can anyone cite even one single case where a
>|> properly done drilled mount resulted in devaluation?
>Yes, but can anyone cite even one single case where they have
>actually SOLD a car with a antenna hole in it? That's the more
>relevant question.
I asked a car dealer about this. He said it drops the value of the car by
the amount of money it takes to get the hole patched and painted. For most
cars this is in the $200 to $300 range. If your car is an older model then
it probably isn't worth repairing the hole. For the really curious: go to
a body shop and have them estimate the cost to plug and patch the hole.
DISCALMER: I have a glass mount antenna :)
-Rick Nimtz
-N9TJG (politically correct Technician Plus)
-South Bend, Indiana
End of Ham-Ant Digest V94 #134